Review of the course

Flipped learning was something new for us this semester. At first most of us were a little confused and scare about it but at the end we really enjoy learning by ourselves and with the help of our parthners and new friends.

 Got it from: Elearninginfographic

The benefits of trying this new type of learning is that you get to know to your classmates and your teacher, because its a commitment between your teacher and you as a student. Also you learn to value your own work and the calification you really deserve.

 “Flippear” una clase es mucho más que la edición y distribución de un video. Se trata de un enfoque integral que combina la instrucción directa con métodos constructivistas, el incremento de compromiso e implicación de los estudiantes con el contenido del curso y mejorar su comprensión conceptual. Se trata de un enfoque integral que, cuando se aplica con éxito, apoyará todas las fases de un ciclo de aprendizaje (Flipped classroom). 

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